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Class of 2025
Shira Preis is a BBG who lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and she loves to dance and write in her free time.
Back to The ShofarBiography represents the author during their participation in BBYO.
The Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) and the B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG) are a fraternity and sorority for Jewish teens—together, we are BBYO. Since our founding in 1924 (AZA) and 1944 (BBG), we have been member-led. Our priorities and programs reflect the interests and issues that matter most to us. Our pursuits are as diverse as our participants.
AZA and BBG welcome Jewish teens of all backgrounds, denominations, gender, race, sexual orientations, and socio-economic status as well as those with a range of intellectual, emotional, and physical abilities.
Becky Machlovitz
Boca Raton, Florida, United States
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