Legislation Library

Resolutions and motions passed by the AZA & BBG Executive Body.

Our Democracy at Work

Welcome to the AZA & BBG Legislation Library! This platform is a place for you to explore legislation passed at International Executive Conferences written by Alephs and BBGs from around the world.

Any teen around the world can be a part of our global democracy by submitting legislation for a future business meeting. Putting a motion or resolution on the floor is a great way to have your voice heard as a member and shape our movement in meaningful ways.

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Resolution, Spreading ‘Healthy Masculinity’ Curriculum Throughout the Order

A task force will develop programs for the Program Bank that recommit Alephs to being strong and healthy role models.

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Date Passed:

August 15, 2024

International Board:



Resolution, Commit to Action Surrounding October 7th Commemoration

BBYO commits to commemorating the atrocities of October 7th across the Movement.

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Date Passed:

August 15, 2024

International Board:



Motion, Integrating the International Service Fund (ISF) into CLTC, ILTC, and International Kallah Curricula

The ISF will be formally included in the curricula of CLTC and ‘Perlman Summer’ as a core educational component.

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Date Passed:

August 15, 2024

International Board:



The Renaming of Greater Jersey Hudson River Region (GJHRR)

The Greater Jersey Hudson River Region will rename itself to become the Greater Jersey Region.

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Date Passed:

February 14, 2024

International Board:



Welcoming BBYO’s Newest Communities and Celebrating Growth

Celebrating BBYO's tremendous growth worldwide. As of February 2024, 63 countries engage with BBYO, and it is extraordinary to welcome so many new members into our Movement.

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Date Passed:

February 14, 2024

International Board:



Distributing BBYO Personal Wellness Resource Card and Tools

A resource card consisting of resources and a pre-convention wellness checklist that will be on every member's name tag at all conventions. BBYO wellness posters will be hung at all overnight programming.

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Date Passed:

August 17, 2023

International Board:



BBYO Sustainability Guidelines

BBYO will ideate sustainability guidelines with a group of representatives from communities across the globe.

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Date Passed:

August 17, 2023

International Board:



Help Hawaii's Wildfire Victims

The Executive Body will release funds to help re-supply Judaica and Jewish communal supplies to the most impacted parts of Maui's Jewish community.

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Date Passed:

August 17, 2023

International Board:



August International Service Fund Allocation: Support Jewish Programming and Judaica in Central Africa

The ISF will allocate funds to the Jewish community in Uganda to support local programming and strengthen the relationship.

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Date Passed:

August 17, 2023

International Board:



Rally Support for Turkey Earthquake Relief

AZA and BBG commit to rallying around Earthquake Relief in Turkey, providing aid and support to communities affected by the disaster.

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Date Passed:

February 16, 2023

International Board:



Launching Celebrations for BBYO’s Centennial and 100 Years of AZA

AZA and BBG will celebrate BBYO's Centennial anniversary and 100 years of AZA.

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Date Passed:

February 16, 2023

International Board:



Welcoming BBYO’s Newest Communities and Celebrating Growth

We proudly celebrate the renewed growth and community building in Boise, Idaho; Colorado Springs, Colorado; El Paso, Texas; Hamilton, Ontario; Princeton, New Jersey; Reno, Nevada; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Center City, Pennsylvania; Springfield, Massachusetts; we welcome to our global Order for the first time, Hawaii and Puerto Rico; and we honor the blossoming of BBYO in Japan, Singapore, Sweden, and Uganda.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 16, 2023

International Board:



Establishing “Operation Dugo” as a BBYO International Holocaust Remembrance Day Initiative

Operation Dugo is introduced, joining Zikaron BaSalon, as one of BBYO's Official International Holocaust Remembrance Day Projects.

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Date Passed:

February 16, 2023

International Board:



Establish the Ruth Suzman Service and Leadership Award

BBYO will establish the Ruth Suzman Service and Leadership Award is established to celebrate teens who are committed to volunteerism, philanthropy, and integrity.

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Date Passed:

February 16, 2023

International Board:



Celebrating the 21st Maccabiah Games in Israel Organized by BBYO’s Global Partner, Maccabi World Union, andSister Movement in Israel, Maccabi Tzair

The global BBYO Movement wishes to extend its gratitude and appreciation to the Maccabi World Union and the Maccabiah movement for hosting BBYO in such meaningful, unprecedented, and gracious waysas special guests throughout the 2022 Maccabiah Games.

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Date Passed:

August 18, 2022

International Board:



Act Upon “Never Again” to Ensure the Lessons of the Holocaust Enlighten the World for the Better

BBYO will work on content and tools that enable and empower Jewish teens everywhere to share Holocaust education with BBYO peers, chapters, and the broader community.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 18, 2022

International Board:



Revive Memorializing Alephs, BBGs, and Exemplar Role Models at BBYO Perlman Camp

The Memorial Grove at BBYO Perlman Camp will be rebuild to honor and remember Alephs and BBGs who passed.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 18, 2022

International Board:



Launch a Committee to Update the Constitutions of the Grand Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph and the InternationalOrder of the B’nai B’rith Girls

AZA and BBG will each establish committees of representatives to review and revise the BBG Constitution and the AZA Constitution and present their findings at IC 2023 in Dallas, Texas.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 18, 2022

International Board:



Elevating International Alumni Data Collection for Prospective Engagement

BBYO's lifetime members will be contacted regularly to confirm their desire to have their information remain accurate and engaged in the Alumni Engagement Network.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 18, 2022

International Board:



August International Service Fund Allocation: Support Jewish Programming and Judaica in Central Africa

The ISF will allocate funds to Jewish enrichment tools to support BBYO's partner communities in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 18, 2022

International Board:
