As our Movement grows so does our ability to innovate programming, execute big ideas, and turn our dreams into a reality. We know that many big ideas come with a price tag which is why we are offering multiple innovation grants that your chapter or community can apply for. We want there to be no barrier to your ability to make a difference, make an impact, and make our community stronger. Explore the current available grants in the tabs below to inspire what you could do for your next event.
Who: Open to all AZA, BBG and BBYO chapters and clubs worldwide.*
Opportunity: Plan an event designed to make a big difference in your community, bring in new prospects and members, or pilot new program initiatives.
Amount: $50 - $1000 USD for in-person events; Up to $250 USD for virtual events. Innovation grants will be awarded on a rolling basis while funds are available and funding exceptions being made on a case-by-case basis.
Timeline: Apply at least two weeks prior to your event. The earlier, the better!
*Gamechanger Innovation Grants are meant to drive innovative chapter programs, and are not typically awarded to member-only regional experiences.
Before you apply, take time to build a thoughtful plan. You absolutely must be able to specify in your application what the Gamechanger Innovation Grant money will be used for. If you need any additional support or guidance before submitting your application, feel free to reach out to any of us at azabbg@bbyo.org or through your International Gizborim.
Please read the information below before applying! The application link is at the bottom of the page.
Gamechanger Innovation Grants can range from $50 to $1,000* (USD) and will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Program content and quality
Event environment (exciting location, how the event will look/feel, branding, hosting strategies)
Communication and outreach strategies
Engagement of prospects, current members, alumni, community members, and beyond
*Please note, grants of larger amounts (beyond $1000) will be considered on an individual basis as funding permits.
Innovation Grants are intended to:
Elevate programs beyond the “typical" and create innovative programs that level up the BBYO experience and wouldn’t be possible otherwise
Supplement chapter programs budgets to expand the depth and/or reach of the program
Launch new chapters, clubs, or initiatives
Engage prospects and teens not yet involved with BBYO
Highlight service, advocacy, global Jewry, education, entrepreneurship, and more
Give particular attention to programs that prioritize Aleph engagement and upperclassmen engagement
Support WOW Programming
Elevate recruitment, retention, fraternity and sisterhood programming (i.e., Big/Little programming, Inductions, Intake/Rush, etc.)
Boost BBYO visibility, reach, and impact throughout your community
Engagement of prospects, current members, alumni, community members, and beyond
Program elements Gamechanger Innovation Grants have funded:
Offsetting costs of exciting and creative program venues
Elevated food experiences like Cupcake Wars, Master Chef, Food Trucks, and Bonfires
Launch new chapters, clubs, or initiatives
Chapter outings like Bubble Soccer, Bowling, Paintball, Sports Events, Escape Rooms, Laser Tag, Roller Staking, and Pottery
Hosting and branding advancements for chapter experiences
Cost of event attendance for chapter members
This list is not exhaustive! We encourage you to apply for a Gamechanger Innovation Grant for any program element that is innovative, exciting, and engaging.
Please note that Gamechanger Innovation Grants will not be awarded for fundraisers, swag, gifts or tips, or transportation. Gamechanger Innovation Grants are also typically not awarded for food unless it truly elevates the program experience.
All recipients will need to submit the following in exchange for awarded funding after the event using the Gamechanger Innovation Grant Report Form:
Event participant data (via Jotform, BBYO Sign-in Link, Excel spreadsheet, etc.)
Photo and/or video highlights
Teen Testimonials from the experience
Check out these planning tools to help you get started:
Before you submit an application for funding, make sure you've exhausted all of the ways to raise funds for your event. Here is a list of fundraisers you can host in your chapter. Gamechanger Innovation Grants are intended to elevate the program experience. Your program budget should be able to support the experience regardless of the event. These funds should supplement your program budget not as a means to make a profit on the program.
BBYO’s Program Planning Form is required with every Gamechanger Innovation Grant Application. The program planning form must give the committee a clear sense of what your program is about, provide a budget, and be viewable by the committee.
Alexandra Greenberg
Rocky Mountain
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Alma Eliyahu
Red River
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Anna Lieberman
South Africa
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Ari Greher
Rocky Mountain
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Avery Wender
Greater Atlanta
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Hailey Cohen
Northern Region East: Baltimore
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Hayden Morris
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Ilan Mops
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Joaquin Salomon
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Jordana Kofler
Nassau Suffolk
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Micaela Kenigsberg
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Natalie Hittelman
Connecticut Valley
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Rafaela Rimoch
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Sam Rosen
Greater Jersey: Central
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
Yaniv Taran
Gamechanger Innovation Granting Coach
The Jewish Enrichment Chapter Grants are designed to offer you the ability to bring Jewish programming to your community. This grant covers Shabbat dinners, Shabbat ritual interactive programming like challah braiding, Jewish holiday programs like Passover seders and candy sukkah building, Tikkun Olam service projects, and much more! We invite you to check out Jewish programming in the Program Bank to get inspired. We’re guided by our organization’s Jewish Core Values: Inclusivity, Jewish Leadership, Active Leadership, and Tradition, we want to inspire you to help make ancient Jewish practices work for you now in your own unique way and in your own space.
Open to all chapters and regions
Funding will be awarded based on the size and type of program
Apply for funding on a rolling basis through June 2025
Before you apply, take time to build a thoughtful plan. Talk with your peers, staff, and advisors about what will make the biggest impact on your community. They can help advise on your timeline, budget, and content. If you need any additional support or guidance before submitting your application, feel free to reach out to any of us at jewish@bbyo.org or through your International Sh'lichim. Your wins are our wins and we want you to thrive. Let’s make history!
Important information about the grant:
Once you apply for a grant, you will receive an email to sign up for a coaching call with a Jewish educator. You must complete that 30-45 minute call before you are officially granted the funds for your program. All these details will be emailed to you following your application submission. With any questions, reach out to jewish@bbyo.org.
This grant is meant to reach your chapter members as well as your chapter prospects! Please share Jewish engagement programming with your community, specifically prospective and new members. The grant can cover service programming, Shabbat dinner and services, Havdalah programs, Jewish holiday programs and more.
After you submit an application, you will receive an email immediately to register for a coaching call. You will not hear back from us about funding until the coaching call is complete.
Your chapter will purchase the supplies for the program with the assistance of your regional staff. If you send regional staff your supply list/cart, they'll be able to use their business credit card to make the purchase for you. Amazon, Walmart, and Target are best for supplies, and most restaurants will allow you to pay over the phone or the internet. This way, your chapter avoids reimbursement which is a lengthy process.
After the event, you'll complete a grant reporting form and we will ask you to upload a report that lists all attendees.
Check out these planning tools to help you get started:
Who: Open to all chapters, regions, and communities worldwide.
Opportunity: Plan an event or program designed to elevate the conversation around Israel.
Amount: $50-$1000; Grants will be awarded on a rolling basis while funds are available.
Timeline: Apply at least two weeks prior to your event.
Please read the information below before applying! The application link is at the bottom of the page.
At BBYO, we want to ensure that our Israel programming is sophisticated, thoughtful, high quality, and pluralistic. As such, we ask that your Israel program has an added value—an educational goal that goes above and beyond social programming.
As your ideating, please consider the following:
What is your program’s stated objective or intended outcome?
Does your program include meaningful or challenging discussion?
Does your program represent a plurality of views, when possible?
Does your program utilize a speaker or educator? If you are having speakers or guests, please make sure you have a person who is an example of an issue, rather than a representative for that issue. We are most interested in hearing about people’s personal stories and experiences, not their political punditry. If your program specifically engages in political discourse, please make sure a plurality of views are represented. For further questions reach out to Tal Maymon (Maccabi World Union Sh'licha) and Noam Dahary (Director of Jewish Enrichment at BBYO).
Before you apply, take time to build a thoughtful plan. Talk with your peers, staff and advisors about what will make the biggest impact for your community. They can help advise on your timeline, budget, and content. If you need any additional support or guidance before submitting your application, feel free to reach out to any of us at jewish@bbyo.org or through your International Sh'lichim. Your wins are our wins and we want you to thrive. Let’s make history!
December 13-14, 2024
Plan a Global Shabbat program, service, and/or gathering that is designed to engage Everyone. Everywhere. We encourage you to bring in new prospects and members by creating community in this special global moment. Think about how to utilize Friday night, Saturday morning and/or Havdalah when considering programming.
Please read the information below before applying!
Open to all chapters, regions, and communities worldwide
Grants range from $50-$1,000 and will be awarded on a rolling basis
Applications for funding are closed for 2024.
Global Shabbat Grant applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Program content and quality
Event environment (exciting location, how the event will look/feel, branding, hosting strategies)
Communication and outreach strategies
Engagement of prospects, current members, alumni, community members, and beyond
*Please note, grants of larger amounts (beyond $1000) will be considered on an individual basis as funding permits.
Global Shabbat Grants are intended to:
Elevate chapter/regional Shabbat programs beyond the “typical" and create innovative programs that level up the chapter/regional experience and wouldn’t be possible otherwise
Engage prospects and teens not yet involved with BBYO
Highlight service, advocacy, global Jewry, education, entrepreneurship, and more
Boost BBYO visibility, reach, and impact throughout your community
Engagement of prospects, current members, alumni, community members, and beyond
All recipients will need to submit the following in exchange for awarded funding after the event using the Global Shabbat Innovation Grant Report Form:
Event participant data (via Jotform, BBYO Sign-in Link, Excel spreadsheet, etc.)
Photo and/or video highlights
Teen Testimonials from the experience
Check out these planning tools to help you get started:
Before you apply, take time to build a thoughtful plan. Talk with your peers, staff, and advisors about what will make the biggest impact on your community. They can help advise on your timeline, budget, and content. If you need any additional support or guidance before submitting your application, feel free to reach out to any of us at jewish@bbyo.org or through your International Sh'lichim. Your wins are our wins and we want you to thrive. Let’s make history!