Meet the Aleph Zadik Aleph & B'nai B'rith Girls

We are Jewish leaders numbering tens of thousands strong in 725 chapters across 60 countries. We’re smart and ambitious, athletic and fun, and we’re changing the world. Individually, we’re leaders. Together, we form a brotherhood, sisterhood, siblinghood, and a Movement taking on big issues and making bigger moves. 
The Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) and the B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG) are a high school fraternity and sorority, the membership program of BBYO. Since our founding in 1924 and 1944, we have been member-led. Our priorities and programs reflect the interests and issues that matter most to us. Our pursuits are as diverse as our participants. 
BBYO is committed to creating a mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically safe environment for all teens. AZA and BBG welcome Jewish teens of all backgrounds, denominational affiliation, gender, race, sexual orientations, and socio-economic status as well as those with a range of intellectual, emotional, and physical abilities. 
Since the beginning, AZA and BBG have been a welcoming place for all young Jews. It’s just who we are. In communities large and small, you’ll find friends and a place where you can have fun, learn, grow, celebrate your Jewish identity, give back to your community, and, most important, be yourself. Still, nearly 100 years later, AZA and BBG are an international platform and a Movement where teens can be part of something great.

The Grand Order of the

Aleph Zadik Aleph

Our fraternity, AZA, is named with the Hebrew letters Aleph Zadik Aleph and stands for Ahava, fraternal love, Tzedakah, benevolence, and Ahdoot, harmony. These are some of our core values. For generations, young Jews have called themselves “Alephs” as part of our international brotherhood and siblinghood. Our programming focuses on being well-rounded, values-driven individuals and includes social events with other chapters, community service projects, athletic tournaments, Jewish programming, and more. As brothers and siblings, we support each other and our development as leaders and Jewish community members.

Become a Member

The International Order of the

B'nai B'rith Girls

BBG is where generations of young Jews have developed their leadership skills, strengthened their Jewish identity, and formed lasting friendships within supportive communities. BBGs plan, lead, and enjoy social, athletic, community service and Judaic programming in their own chapter or with other chapters. Among their peers and friends, BBGs have fun, embrace tradition, and build themselves as Jewish community members and leaders.

Become a Member

AZA & BBG Begin with Members

In AZA and BBG, we want you to take the reins and lead. As a member-led organization, we have teens at the front of the room and behind the scenes taking on leadership roles—from committees to elected positions—to support their chapter, council, region, country, and the entire International Order. From coordinating a BBYO Summer Experience, supporting a campaign or initiative, running fundraisers for the International Service Fund (ISF) or steering at International Convention, you can find the right way to use your strengths to make AZA and BBG stronger.

AZA and BBG are strengthened by the active participation of all Alephs and BBGs. It is every member’s right to utilize AZA and BBG to their full capacity, whether by attending programs, assisting in event planning, inviting other Jewish teens to get involved, or by serving as active members of the Jewish community.


Since the founding of AZA, Alephs have congregated in chapters. As AZA and BBG expanded, chapters organized geographically into councils and regions, or countries, broadening their community, deepening their connection, and strengthening their programming, athletic leagues, and conventions.

The following structure has been developed over time to maximize each Aleph’s and BBG's opportunity for involvement.


The smallest, most personal, and most important group within AZA and BBG is the chapter. Every member of AZA and BBG belongs to a chapter and each chapter functions much like a large family. Chapters plan programs geared toward the interests of their current and prospective members and train new members in the traditions of AZA and BBG. A chapter’s small size allows for the development of strong bonds between its members. Chapters are where you have meetings, plan programs, and hang with Jewish teens in your town. Each chapter has a leadership board elected every six-months or annually by its members.

AZA and BBG count more than 725 chapters across the world, and there is one for everyone. If you're from North America, find your chapter by searching your zip code here and if you're from Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, or Australia, email us and we'll connect you to a chapter. If you want to start a new chapter, see how in the link below.

Start a Chapter


In large geographical areas, several chapters may be grouped into a council (and multiple councils within one region) to allow for greater interaction between members. Councils provide additional leadership opportunities and make communities of chapters more manageable. 

Regions and Countries

AZA and BBG chapters and councils in the same geographical area are organized into regions. Regions vary in size from one large city to several states, provinces, or entire/multiple countries. Regions most commonly bring chapters together for conventions where they can exchange ideas, socialize, compete, and work together on larger projects. Regions exist to serve the chapters and to help them in any way possible. 

International Order

The International Order includes all levels of AZA and BBG. On the International Level, every council, region, and country are represented by the AZA and BBG International Board, a body of twelve elected teens supporting and training their local counterparts. Additional opportunities exist for Alephs and B'nai B'rith Girls to serve the International Order via the International Leadership Network (ILN).

Common Leadership Positions

At the chapter, council, regional, and International level, Alephs and BBGs are represented by elected board members who serve a six-month or one-year term. All of these elected positions roll up into a counterpart network, a group of Alephs and BBGs that share the same responsibilities to their communities in terms of projects. The twelve Alephs and BBGs elected to International Board manage a counterpart network that they get to know and support throughout the year.

Click on each position to learn about these roles and access network specific resources.

Additional Leadership Positions

Many chapters, councils, and regions have additional leadership positions to fit their needs. Each of these positions is a part of one of the six networks above.

Aleph Zadik Aleph

B'nai B'rith Girls

"What we have accomplished in the past is a record of unswerving loyalty and devotion to these principles. What we hope to achieve in years to come will likewise be measured by the extent to which we adhere to those principles." —Sam Beber, Founder of AZA

Cardinal Principles of the Aleph Zadik Aleph


Loyalty to my homeland, to its laws, to its principles, to its ethics. To die for it if need be, but primarily to live for it.


Always to observe the tenets of my faith; ever to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord my

Filial Love

Ever to honor and love my parents. To be considerate of my elders and to respect age.


To give of myself and my substance for all worthy causes; to be kind and generous to all in need, regardless of race or color


Never too bold, never too forward, ever humble, ever observing the principles of gentlemen.


To keep my soul pure, my mind active, and my body healthy.


A spirit of sociability, of cooperation, and of friendship toward all Alephs that shall make of us one fellowship; a love of and a loyalty to AZA and its ideals.

Menorah Pledge Principles of the B'nai B'rith Girls

Community Service

We recognize our responsibility to render selfless service as citizens of the community in which we live.


We shall always be concerned with the underprivileged and the distressed. We shall offer our help to those in need, recognizing that the ability to help others is a blessing and a responsibility.


We shall try to exemplify in our home the finest of Jewish family traditions.


We pledge our devotion to our beloved country whose blessing we shall never take for granted. We shall guard zealously our democratic rights and shall fulfill our duties as citizens.

Inter-faith Relations

We represent one of the faiths that make up the diverse patterns of the religious world. We shall learn to understand and respect our neighbor. We shall so live as individuals and groups that we may reflect credit upon the Jewish people.

Good Sisterhood

We make possible the warmth and joy of good sisterhood through our association in Chapters. We shall respect the rights of each member. We shall make our Chapter a true example of democratic living so that companionship and friendship may endure.

Jewish Heritage

We have a magnificent Jewish heritage, which has enriched the civilization of every land. We shall aim to become imbued with an understanding and a love of our Jewish culture so that we may be a conscious part of the people from whom we stem. We shall always strive to live up to the ideals, which are the essence of Jewish religious faith.

Prayer for World Jewry

Lighting the candles is a privilege we engage in that displays the freedom we, as B’nai B’rith Girls, and as Jews are able to exhibit. However, there are Jews in our world who are not allowed to observe Judaism freely. Oppressed Jewry is a major concern in our society. The light that is burning so brightly is the light of hope. We hope that one day all oppressed Jews will be able to practice Judaism as freely as we are doing here today.

We're a Member-Led Movement.
Your Priorities are our Priorities.

Over the decades, AZA and BBG have taken on new causes, social challenges, and initiatives. All of this work at every level is guided by our Movement's priorities. These priorities and operating principles are a reflection of our shared values and represent the interests and passions of Alephs and BBGs worldwide. 

Group of smiling teens.

Grow Our Movement

The power of the BBYO International Order comes from each Aleph and B’nai B’rith Girl. Strengthening the Jewish People and making the world a better place starts with us.

Let's Move
Group of smiling teens.

Strengthen Program Excellence

BBYO’s programming incorporates the Five Folds of AZA and the Six Folds of BBG—including social action, education and Judaism—to ensure high-quality content.

Let's Move
Group of smiling teens.


Our grassroots service, advocacy and philanthropy campaign helps us give back to our local and global communities—anytime, anywhere.

Let's Move
Group of smiling teens.

Explore Israel

BBYO is our home, and Israel is our Homeland. Throughout the year, we learn Israeli history, culture, and current events through diverse perspectives.

Let's Move

Go Global

When we connect with each other, we’re able to cross borders and cultures to form lasting bonds and unite the global Jewish community.

Let's Move

Jewish Enrichment

The Jewish people teach l’dor v’dor, the importance of passing values, tradition, and ritual from generation to generation; just as we do here in AZA and BBG.

Let's Move

Ritual & Tradition

Our history is long and storied, and through our rituals and traditions we stand on the shoulders of the Alephs and BBGs who came before us. Their vision and comittment to our future allow us to stand taller today.

Let's Move

Governance & Democracy

AZA and BBG have always been a democracy. From open elections, the legislative process, and an inclusive leadership model, we want every member to be prepared to lead in their own way.

Let's Move


BBYO is committed to creating a mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically safe environment for all teens. We strive to build in our teens the ability to face adversity and developmental challenges and thrive.

Let's Move


One of the ways AZA & BBG impact the  local and global community is by rallying to raise funds to support important causes. Chapters take pride in applying for grants and managing their budgets.

Let's Move