Keeping Pace: April Edition | Anita M. Perlman International N'siah

May 6, 2022
Emma Zentner

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Class of 2021

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HELLO AZA AND BBG! Iā€™m back with another edition of #KeepingPace and man was April a packed month! The month began when Jared and I were in Israel spending the week with Maccabi Tzair! We met the chapter and spent Shabbat in Gedera, toured Jerusalem, met the Maccabi Gap Year teens in Tel Aviv, and hiked in the north. Afterwards, Jared and I split ways and I headed over to spend Shabbat with BBYO Barcelona (AKA the winners of the Anita Perlman Spirit Cup)!

Then, I headed back to the US for Presidential Transitions with the incoming Grand Aleph Godol, and International Nā€™siah, Levi and Avi! We spent the week in Washington, DC offering wisdom, visioning, and setting priorities for the year ā€” all while eating the best DC has to offer (HMU for food recommendations). Afterwards I headed up to Baltimore to spend the week working with my NRE counterparts, and half of the 97/77 crew. However, the highlight of the week needless to say was #BBGFOUNDERSDAY! If you havenā€™t heard the news, BBG turned 78 this past month ā€” donā€™t forget to send her your best wishes!

Following my week in NRE I headed down to Houston in Lonestar Region for an epic weekend of Chapter programs, overnights, and a fabulous summer ice cream party. Are you heading to a summer program and know someone whoā€™d love to join in on the fun? Make sure to let me know right here! Then, I said bye to Houston and hello to Minnesota as I made my way to North Star to meet the incredible BBGā€™s of Chabibi! ~Fun fact~ North Star and Red River (My ā¤ļøšŸ ) used to be in the same region, AND, Chabibi is home to the coolest Chapter website of all time. After yet another ice cream party, North Starā€™s Nā€˜siah, Mel Goldstein, and I headed over to St. Louis to meet up with the rest of Mid America Regionā€™s RCC before Spring Regional Convention. Those of you whoā€™ve been following along on @BBGNSIAH know that Iā€™ve been to all 4 MAR Councils, and both of their Regional Conventionsā€¦ I guess you could call me a MAR stan! Needless to say Mid Americaā€™s Spring Convention was UNREAL. It was amazing to see how many Alephs and BBGs made their way to Camp Sabra for a jam packed weekend at camp with separates, lives, states, siblinghood bonding, chapter competitions, and jazzercise, obviously.

Then, I flew over to sunny Los Angeles to spend the week with PWR! I met the teens in Avirah Tova - Orange Countyā€™s Chapters (give them a follow right here), and reunited with the LA city chapters I had met back in October. After a crazy few weeks Iā€™m now heading back home to Winnipeg for Red Riverā€™s Spring Convention! Itā€™s crazy to think that the last time we had this convention in person I was a sophomore. Iā€™m so excited to reunite with my Chapter and the teens in RRR for a super fun weekend full of Red River traditions, and to hear my predecessor give the State of the Region.

One of the best parts of taking on leadership roles within BBYO is getting to see how things evolve over the years as we continue to make this Movement a place for every Jewish teen. Thanks for catching up with me! Stay tuned for next monthā€™s edition of #KeepingPace featuring my last month as #AMPIN (Anita M Perlman International Nā€™siah)! Talk (and hopefully see you) soon!

Emma is a BBG from Red River Region and is the 77th Anita M. Perlman International N'siah.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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