Parashat Pekudei: The Power of Teamwork

March 21, 2025
BBYO Weekly Parsha


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Parashat Pekudei wraps up the Book of Shemot by detailing the final stages of building the Mishkan (Tabernacle). It lists every piece of gold, silver, and copper used, showing that Moshe ensured everything was accounted for. At first glance, this might seem unnecessary—why does the Torah spend so much time on these details? But if we look deeper, it teaches us a crucial lesson about leadership, responsibility, and the importance of transparency. 

One of the most powerful things about Pekudei is Moshe’s decision to give a full report of how the donations were used. No one asked him to do this—he took it upon himself to prove that he was honest and trustworthy. This is a key value in any strong community, including BBYO, where leaders take responsibility for their actions. Whether we’re organizing an event, managing chapter funds, or representing our peers, being open and accountable builds trust. 

Another important theme in Pekudei is teamwork. The Mishkan wasn’t built by one person—it was a group effort, with every person contributing their skills and resources. This reflects how Jewish communities function today. Whether it’s BBYO or any other organization, true success comes from people working together toward a shared goal. 

At the end of the Parsha, when the Mishkan is finally completed, God’s presence fills it, showing that all the hard work was worth it. This is a reminder that when we put effort into something meaningful—whether it’s strengthening our Jewish identity, deepening our connection to Israel, or leading in our own communities—it creates something bigger than ourselves. 

As we finish the Book of Shemot, let’s take these lessons with us. May we be leaders who are honest, responsible, and dedicated to strengthening the bonds between our communities and Israel. 


Shabbat Shalom! 

Gal Rubel - Argentina

Read commentary on this week's Parsha from BBYO teens around the world.

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