Looking Back on CLTC 4

November 14, 2024
Mila Prince

Los Angeles, California, United States

Class of 2027

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July 30, 2024: On the first day of my CLTC session, I woke up in a hotel room in the middle of Times Square. The loud noises, bustling civilians, and kaleidoscope of smells berated my senses as walked out onto the street. The taxi ride to Newark Airport was one of the most nerve-racking car rides of my life. There were so many questions running through my mind as I embarked on my very first BBYO summer program. Would I make friends? Would the people be nice? What was the camp like? As I dragged my suitcase up to the group of teens congregating in the terminal, these questions were erased. I immediately felt at home; different groups gravitated toward each other, but I flitted around, wanting to meet as many new people as possible. My Day 1 Dunkin Donuts buddies will always hold a special place in my heart, and I canā€™t wait to reconnect with them at IC. 

The first few days of camp went by in a haze of activities: there was a field day and numerous other programs, and I was already learning so much about what it meant to be a chapter leader. We were split into mock chapters. My chapterā€™s name? Derech Hagalim BBG. Because we make waves. The girls in my chapter bonded immediately, and the people I met in the early days of camp are some of my best friends now. 

August 2, 2024: Camp Shabbat is one of the most magical experiences one can have, and the same was true for Shabbat at CLTC. We ignored the gloomy weather, took millions of pictures, dressed up nice, and enjoyed all of the best parts of Shabbat. We braided Challah with @challahbackgirls_, danced our hearts out during Israeli dancing, and participated in meaningful Friday night services. That Shabbat was the day that I began to feel truly at home at CLTC. 

August 4, 2024: Chapter elections. The day that everyone had talked about since we got to camp. Iā€™d been part of 2 chapter elections in my region at this point, but mock chapter elections were a whole new experience. It was by far the largest amount of people Iā€™d ever seen at elections, and everyone was allowed to talk to each other about what they were running for. We learned about each board position, and I had the opportunity to become my mock chapterā€™s Nā€™siah. While this was for only one week, the actual election process was such an amazing learning experience. 

After the elections, the real fun began. Chapter Shlichim got to break off and plan Shabbat services with our Jewish Educator and Song Leader, Gizborim got to run the canteen, and the rest of the board worked with the rest of our chapter to plan unique programming. Unfortunately, the weather didnā€™t exactly agree with my chapterā€™s program. We were planning a camp-wide game show when the power went out. Without any power, our plans were foiled. However, we still got the opportunity to plan the program, and that was definitely the most important part. The rain was the most unique part of my CLTC. In true east-coast summer fashion, it unfailingly rained for the last 4 days of camp. With the rain came some of my favorite memories: Pajama Shabbat, the hot chocolate and sweets staff brought in to raise spirits, and gorgeous double rainbows. 

August 11, 2024: The last day of camp was bittersweet; there were many hugs and promises of keeping in touch, as well as many tears. Iā€™ve been to sleepaway camps before, but this was the first time that I truly felt like I had found a family in the friends I made. A video I always go back to when I miss CLTC is at Newark airport, 12 days after Iā€™d walked up to that brand new group of teens. The video is of me and a few of my friends, all fist-bumping one last time before we went on our separate flights. Often, I re-watch that video and remember that moment. The realization that I would have these friends for the rest of my life, no matter if we lived thousands of miles away from each other. 

Those 12 days may have felt like they went by in the blink of an eye, but when I look back on the summer of 2024, they are what I remember. The friends I made are who I look forward to seeing at IC, and the skills I learned have helped me better my chapter. CLTC 4 was truly the experience of a lifetime, and I would recommend it to anyone with even the tiniest thought of going on a summer program. 

Mila is a BBG from Los Angeles and loves Taylor Swift, going to the beach, and attending BBYO events with her chapter and region.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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