Keeping Pace: Kicking Off The Year

August 5, 2024
Joelle Abaew

Berlin, Germany

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Oh, hey there, BBYO! Welcome to my first official Keeping Pace of the year, Joelle’s Journey! Over the past two months, I have had the incredible opportunity to kick off my term as the 80th Anita M. Perlman International N’siah with exciting adventures. After a FaceTime celebration on June 1st, the International Board jumped through time zones together to mark the start of our term. Soon after, we gathered in Washington, DC, for our Inaugural Board Retreat as the 80th International Board and the 100th Grand Board. After some much-needed reunion hugs, we kicked off our journey with a very special surprise: bowling at the White House. You might be asking, why is there a bowling alley in the White House? Great question—I don't know! But I do know we had a blast and enjoyed each other's company.

The next morning, we dove into our sessions. From reflecting on when we first joined BBYO to dreaming about BBYO’s 100th anniversary and our movement's second century, we worked hard on setting our priorities for the year, discussed IC 2025 in Denver, and learned how to work together as a team. Leaving the board retreat, I feel confident in the board and am incredibly excited to lead alongside such amazing teens this upcoming year.

My June journey didn’t end there. After a quick train ride and a slightly bumpy car ride, Camp Poyntelle awaited the arrival of CLTC 1, and we were ready to kick off BBYO Summer 2024. Coordinating CLTC has been the greatest joy of my BBYO journey. Getting to know each other, bringing the teens closer to the core of our movement in their mock chapters, teaching BBG rituals in BBG Bootcamp, experiencing leadership together, and building the most special moments—nothing compares to the 12 days we spent together. Highlights include an unforgettable lip-sync battle with a special performance from Max and me, our Kalahari field trip, and most importantly, inducting the incredible BBGs who made this experience so special. With tears, sad goodbyes, and one lost suitcase, I flew back home with my heart filled with all the wonderful memories of the past month. Shoutout to all my missing pieces!

I could only stay home for a short time. After finally graduating, I packed my bags and took a train to a special place in Germany: Bad Sobernheim. Bad Sobernheim, or Sobi, is the heart of the Jewish community in Germany and the home of ZWST’s Summer Machanot. Over the next two weeks, I was a madricha at ZWST’s Machane, creating fun programs for kids, bonding with my peers, and celebrating my birthday! It was so special to think that only nine years ago, at a Machane, I fell in love with the Jewish community. Without that experience, I probably wouldn’t be here today. As they say: One Machane can change everything.

After concluding Machane, I made a quick stop at home before taking a 10-hour flight and a 4-hour car ride to visit International Kallah at the B’nai B’rith Perlman Camp. From meeting incredible leaders from around the globe, participating in Israel 360 with remarkable guest speakers, discussing with peers in Limmudim sessions, spending a beautiful Shabbat together, and ending my trip with a memorable Havdalah around the Perlman tree—my week at Perlman was well spent. Not to forget, I returned to Poyntelle to visit CLTC 4, spending Field Day with the teens, witnessing their early days together, and knowing they were about to have the best 12 days—it was incredibly meaningful.

What a full-circle moment to kick off BBYO Summer with CLTC 1 and close it out with these unforgettable visits. It has truly been so special, and I can’t wait for what’s to come. Stay tuned and watch out for August Execs! #JoellesJourney

Joelle Abaew is a BBG from Germany and is serving as the 80th Anita M. Perlman International N'siah.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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