What’s up BBYO! It’s Jake and Mercedes coming to you straight from the IC 2025 HQ in none other than Denver, Colorado. We cannot wait to see all of you from across the Movement come together to kick start our next century of BBYO. With Opening Ceremonies just two days away, we can’t wait to kick off AZA BBG IC 2025 Limitless Horizons with a BOOM!
Alephs and BBGs worldwide have spent time brainstorming, researching, dreaming, and building to make this the greatest IC yet. Working with them has been a pleasure and we are beyond excited for you all to experience what we have in store with so many surprises to come.
Soon we will be reuniting 3,500 Jewish teens for a weekend of unbelievable activities, performers, sightseeing opportunities, impactful programs, interesting sessions, and so much more. Get ready and excited for our biggest gathering of the year!
We know you have been waiting for this moment all year and we can’t wait for you to see the incredible lineup of speakers, performers, and special guests. As you already know, there are so many amazing things happening at IC at the same time, so if you want a sneak peek of what you could be doing each, check out the full IC 2025 schedule!
In case you are still packing, make sure to take a look at the IC Spirit Guide and get ready for the winter weather waiting for us in Denver! Also, don’t forget to bring a book in any language for our IC Stand-Up Drive!
IC is just around the corner, so join us as we come together to look at the Limitless Horizons of our future and begin to build the best century.
Jake Solar and Mercedes Benzaquen
100th Grand Aleph S’gan and 80th International S’ganit
International Convention Teen Coordinators
From the current Grand Aleph S'gan and International S'ganit.
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.