AZA & BBG Executive Body Update

October 27, 2020

Movement Updates

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Our Brother Alephs and Sister Bā€™nai Bā€™rith Girls,

This past Sunday, October 25th, the AZA & BBG Executive Body (all Council, Regional, and Country Presidents) came together for a business meeting to share updates and review proposed legislation from members around the world. The 114 members of the Executive Body who were present, representing nearly 30 countries, passed 4 pieces of legislation.

View the Legislation Docket

  • Motion, Require Consent Talks at all Council, Regional, and International Events
  • Resolution, Celebrating the Global BBYO Community Growth in Chile, Montreal, and South Africa
  • Motion, Establishing a 6th Programming Fold: Health (AZA)
  • Motion, Establishing a 7th Programming Fold: Health (BBG)

View the Slide Deck

Our efforts to build healthy relationships in AZA & BBG will be further strengthened by the formation of a group of teen leaders, BBYO professionals, and experts, to build, as a part of a robust and comprehensive plan, the guide for setting community standards around consent talks at all regional, council, and international events. 

The vote to establish a 6th (AZA) and 7th (BBG) Programming Fold, Health, is extremely significant, not only for the importance of this topic, but for the unparalleled decision in our Orders. These folds have not been altered since Boris D. Bogen presented his Five Fold and Full Program in 1928, which quickly became core to the AZA experience, and BBG modified their own versions that were adopted in the early years of founding in the mid-1940s. 

These programming folds are (now) as follows:

AZA 6 Folds of Programming:

  • Athletics
  • Community Service/Social Action
  • Education
  • Judaics
  • Social
  • Health

BBG 7 Folds of Programming:

  • Creativity
  • Community Service
  • Jewish Heritage
  • Recreation
  • Sisterhood
  • Social Action
  • Health

In recent years, weā€™ve seen our teen body take strides in creating a more welcoming and supportive space when Alephs and BBGs walk into a program. Now, weā€™re even more confident that the future of our Movement, and our programming, will benefit from a continued and clearer emphasis on the health and safety of our members.

Continue to lead with innovation and excitementā€”and let us know what we can do to support you and your communities!

Frats and Undying Love,

Maya Zucker, 76th Anita M. Perlman International Nā€™siah

Ben Cohen, 96th Grand Aleph Godol

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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