A Secret Weapon for Elections: Your Heart

December 20, 2024
Abby Roth

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Class of 2027

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Many people regard BBYO elections as a very anxious time. Of course, there’s also wonder, passion, and excitement in becoming more involved in your chapter.  But it’s no small feat to lay out your aspirations for everyone to see. When the chapter asks if there’s anyone in my caucused position in the house, I can barely hear the answer over the sound of my beating heart. Running in elections means taking a risk; you can never be sure if the outcome will be what you want. 

Because of this, many have shared their tips for this daunting process before. When I decided to run in my first election, I searched the internet for resources. Eventually, I found a few Shofar articles detailing tips for elections. I read every word and held onto each pointer like a lifeline as I timidly walked to the front of the room when it was time for me to present myself to the chapter. Ideas like practicing my speech, having a theme, and being prepared to lose helped, but some of the best tips I carry throughout each election are ones I’ve learned myself.

I’d like to consider my tips to be beyond the “basic.” I’ve only run in three elections and am not the elections expert. However, I do feel that these things are valuable to keep in mind when running for a new position:

Position: Passion Over Prestige 

Don’t roll your eyes just yet. Yes, I know you’ve heard this tip a million times before, and I promised to be unique, but stay with me here! (It’ll also tie into a later point). Pick the position you're running for based on your passion for it, not how high it is in board order! It can be tempting to go for a high position, but please listen to me when I say to follow your heart. You will feel so much more fulfilled being in a position you love doing rather than a position you love the sound of. If you don’t pick based on what you’re passionate about, you’re letting yourself down, as well as your entire board. During elections, you’re promising to be the best candidate for your chapter; if your heart isn’t in your position, you’ll feel your motivation slip later on in the term. When it comes to deciding what you’ll run for, choose with your heart, not necessarily your head. 


Everyone knows a theme is a great tool to make an effective platform, but what’s not as widely utilized is color. You may be shaking your head at me right now, scoffing, regarding me as senseless because (at least in my elections) color isn’t allowed on a platform. All there is to work with is black, grey values, and white. We’re all used to white paper, so in order to stand out, lean into black when creating your platform. Make an entire page or panel black, have some contrast, and think outside of the box when selecting colors for your platform. 

Additionally, create your platform in black and white. I know many people create their platform in color and then convert it to black and white. Do not do this. By having your platform be black and white in the process of creation, you’ll be able to adjust the colors and already see what it will really look like once it’s printed out. Many may consider the lack of color a platform must have as a hindrance, but know it’s an opportunity. You can create high-contrast designs and decide what you want to stand out the most: you or the others running for your position. 

Aesthetics isn’t the only component of an effective platform; information plays a significant role, too. If you decide to list ideas or goals on your platform, make them specific. For example, we all know a Gizborit wants to make money for their chapter, but how? By listing specific examples of ideas you have for fundraisers, you give your audience a clear picture in their heads. When the abstract becomes more concrete to envision, people will have a better sense of what you’ll be like in the position. 


Though some may think designing a platform is the most enjoyable part of elections, my heart lies with the creation of the speech. To me, this is my chance to have a couple of minutes to sway the chapter and make them understand my passion. Of course, they can see my technical ideas, goals, and qualifications on my platform, but in the speech, they hear who I am

With that being said, I’ve always found that it’s best to speak from the heart. I don’t mean this in a general way to just be genuine; I mean, dig deep. Write about your ideas, goals, and how you envision this position, but also write about why you chose it. This should come naturally because if you choose your position wisely, you should be passionate about it. When writing your speech, keep in mind that it’s a speech. You have the opportunity to perform this love letter to your position in front of everyone. You dictate how they hear it. When reading out your speech, go slow. Give the words emotion behind them, and let everyone know that this is it, this is you. Don’t just say your speech as fast as you can to get it over with, and don’t cram in words you’ll have to speed up for. I’ve found that it’s better to cut nonvital portions of the speech if it means I can go slower and be more genuine when I reach the more significant parts of my speech. 

Let’s be honest: elections are long and can get boring. So, when reading your speech, no matter how hard you worked on it, not everyone is gonna remember every word. What they will remember, however, is how you gave it. If your heart is in your words and you speak with emotion and genuine, your passion will be louder than the actual words you’re saying. People will hear you. They may not remember every word you said, but they’ll remember how you felt. 

Maybe a more sentimental speech is not for everyone, and it doesn’t have to be entirely sentimental. I encourage you to throw a joke or two into the speech. A quick pun or a quip eases the tension and allows you to relax a little. 

If you have a theme for your platform, it’s wise to incorporate it into your speech as well. Your speech doesn’t have to revolve around it; it should revolve around your position. A few references to your theme here and there make all the difference. Metaphors are a great way to do this. Not only do they tie your theme back into your speech, but they can also be used in a very meaningful way. Making a connection between your position and an aspect of your theme shows creativity, something your audience will notice and remember. 

My final tip for your elections is one that’s been repeated many times: practice your speech. Do it over and over again. If you want to speak from the heart, as I suggested earlier, you have to be confident in your words and that you won’t run out of time. Speaking from the heart takes some practice, so make sure you finish writing your speech with plenty of time to practice. That way, when election day comes, you’ll be a little less anxious. 


Elections can be one of the most nerve-racking moments in a BBG or AZA’s BBYO career, so any tip you can apply can help. Of course, reflect on your own election experience because that’s often where you’ll find the most valuable tips for yourself. These are the things I keep in mind when running for a new position, and I identified them only by reflecting on my own experiences. At the end of the day, each individual’s BBYO journey is going to be different. In mine, I’ve found that if you put your heart into what you do, you’ll have given it your all. 

Abby Roth is a BBG from Mountain Region who loves the beach and cats.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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