Why I Am Grateful For BBYO

December 4, 2024
Molly Borkon

Roslyn, New York, United States

Class of 2027

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When Thanksgiving rolls around, I begin to reflect on everything I am grateful for. BBYO has made its way right to the top of my list in such a short amount of time. I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for this incredible organization and everything it has given me, but (in no particular order) here goes:

  1. The Friendships: Although this seems like an obvious one, it couldn’t be any more true. The friends that BBYO has provided me have truly changed my life. I have never met people as kind, dedicated, and determined as the people I’ve met through BBYO. They have turned from strangers to friends and now to family, and I am the luckiest to have found such incredible friends. Getting to spend such quality time with these amazing people is always the best, and I can’t wait to make even more friends and memories as my years in BBYO continue!
  2. The Experiences: Another amazing part of BBYO is all of the cool experiences you get to partake in! To start, attending regional conventions is a wonderful experience for all who attend. There, teens get to make new friends, learn more about their Jewish culture, and just overall have a special and meaningful weekend. One experience I am most looking forward to is attending IC this year. I’m excited to gather with teens from all over the world and unite over our shared love of BBYO. In addition, I can’t wait to explore Denver, go to the zoo (my elective), and make new memories at IC.
  3. The Jewish Enrichment: Being a part of BBYO has really helped to strengthen my ties with Judaism. Being around teens who are so proud of being Jewish causes me to feel this pride as well. In addition, taking part in meaningful Shabbat services makes me feel more connected to my Jewish roots, and attending events where we discuss serious topics and learn about the war helps me stay informed. 
  4. The Traditions: BBYO has so many special traditions that I am extremely lucky to understand and experience. An example of a cool (and tasty) tradition is eating Spooey! Spooey is a BBYO snack of pretzels dipped in frosting, and believe me, it is delicious. Eating Spooey with friends is always a blast and a perfect addition to any event. Another awesome BBYO tradition is Spirit. This is different for BBGs and Alefs, but all around so fun! There are special chants that we learn, and then we cheer loudly and have a blast! At my first convention, I didn’t know what to expect during Spirit, but I had the best time, and it helped me fall in love with this organization.
  5. The Leadership Opportunities: Being a part of BBYO has really allowed me to challenge myself by taking on more responsibilities and getting more involved in my chapter, region, and order. The leadership opportunities really vary for BBYO because you get what you put into this organization. Through joining RLNs and ILNs, I have been able to expand my responsibilities as a BBG and have learned a lot on the way!

I could go on and on about all of the reasons that I love BBYO, and it would never be enough. So, on this special holiday, I am the most thankful for BBYO and everything it has given me. It has allowed me to make new friends, try new things, and have fun, but most importantly, it has allowed me to be myself.

Molly Borkon is a BBG from Roslyn, NY, and she loves spending time with her friends and going to BBYO events!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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