A Love Letter To S’ganit

March 4, 2024
Sarah Begun

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2026

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Looking back, my time as S’ganit was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had so far in BBYO. The span of a year in this role provided me with a lasting and unforgettable experience. From my challenges to my successes, this role has provided me with a sense of leadership, community, and responsibility, allowing me to not only become better at working my way through the complexities of this position but also establishing meaningful connections throughout the order. Meeting new people, connecting throughout the network, and building myself up within the order gave me a platform to be able to have so many incredible experiences, and opportunities, and made me feel as though I had a purpose. 

The network of friends and counterparts I interacted with through becoming S’ganit, both within and beyond my immediate circle, became a contact of motivation and support. Through being introduced to BBYO at Camp BBYO, or learning more about chapter board and leadership at CLTC, being S’ganit gave me the resources and possibilities to reach new heights and grow as both a leader and a person, also connecting me to people who were doing the same. 

As S’ganit, I found myself not only navigating myself within Judaism and BBYO but also helping me grasp who I am and finding my Jewish identity. I began to get a better grasp of leadership during the highs and lows of my journey. It was those moments of triumph, where I felt most successful and as though I was making a difference, that my sense of leadership grew. And it was at my lowest, that I found myself wanting and striving to become that leader.

During times of struggle, when I dealt with the weight of my responsibilities, I found resilience and determination within myself that I hadn’t known before. This became my motive to thrive as S’ganit, reflecting my character through my and my chapter’s accomplishments. 

Looking back now, my journey as S’ganit was the most rewarding and memorable experience that I have had to date. Creating a fire inside me to strive for organization, connection, and leadership. If it weren’t for S’ganit, I don’t think I would be the person I am today, and I owe that all to this position.

Sarah Begun is a BBG living in Cherry Hill, New Jersey who plays bass guitar, and lacrosse.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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