Why You Should Be a Chapter Chair

January 29, 2025
Molly Borkon

Roslyn, New York, United States

Class of 2027

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Being a chapter chair has been such an amazing experience for me and I want to share that with others. If you arenā€™t on board and your chapter has chairs (people who help out each board member with a specific role), I would definitely recommend applying for a chair position! It adds so much to your BBYO experience and involvement in your chapter! Here are some of the top reasons why you should apply to be a chapter chair.

  1. Chair-run meetings: Each term, my chapter holds a chair run meeting. This event is a super fun way for the chairs to get involved and take on more responsibilities within their chapter. Prior to the meeting, the chairs work with the board members to plan a fun event for the whole chapter, and really get to help out with preparations. At the event, the chairs can help lead different activities or demonstrate the stations, which is really great.
  2. Get a taste of being on board: Being on chapter board is an amazing experience that many members are striving towards. But, before you make the big decision to run for board, itā€™s a good idea to get a feel of the position you want by being a chair. Chairs help out board members with some of their duties and get to experience what handling these responsibilities entails! Getting to help out with the planning and execution of an event opens a new perspective of BBYO and makes the events so much more fun and rewarding.
  3. Looks good for platforms: If you do want to be on board some day, your platform is very important. Your platform is a one-pager that you create and give out at elections when people are voting. When creating your platform, you add BBYO leadership roles youā€™ve held or events youā€™ve attended, which show people your dedication to your chapter. So, having a chair position will show people that you are responsible, hardworking, and looking to get more involved in your chapter!
  4. Get more involved in your chapter: Being a chapter chair will open you up to so many new experiences and allow you to be more involved in your chapterā€™s programming. Whether it is helping your board member with a certain task, promoting events in the GroupMe, helping to plan chair-run meetings, or anything else that comes with this awesome responsibility, being a chair really causes you to be more involved in your chapter. Additionally, being a chair allows you to make new friends and learn new things about planning events.

Did this convince you? I sure hope so, because being a chair has been such a special opportunity for me. Never hesitate to apply to be a chair and take on more responsibilities in your chapter, as it is such a rewarding and fun experience!

Molly Borkon is a BBG from Roslyn, NY, and she loves spending time with her friends and going to BBYO events!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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