Who Am I?

June 14, 2024
Sarah Begun

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2026

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I am my father's daughter. Laughing at the wrong times, standing awkwardly in crowded rooms, and showing empathy to mostly everyone I meet. His words echo in my actions, reminding me to go into each day with a heart full of kindness and being okay with embracing the unknown.

I am Jewish. My culture and connection to God flow through me with passion and dedication to Judaism. The traditions, the prayers, the community—they have all helped to shape my identity.

I am a leader. For the past two years, I served on my chapter board, and now regional as well as so many other leadership opportunities I’ve been given. Everything has molded me into the leader I am today, every opportunity and every challenge. I've learned how to inspire, to listen, to stand firmly in my beliefs, and to help others with compassion and rising up.

I am a human. I make mistakes and I learn from them. I talk just to talk and I meet new people every day even if I know I will never see them again. I have triumphs and I have failures, moments big and small that have taught me to be humble, brave, and curious about the world around me.

I am influenced by every single person I have ever met. Whether it be the 75-year-old woman I briefly walked past on a random day ten years ago or my best friend, whom I talk to every single day. I've learned about love and empathy and so much more from everyone I've ever met.

I am filled with stories and experiences. Each interaction, no matter how brief or long, has left a permanent mark on me. Whether it be the kindness of strangers or the wisdom from my parents; all of these moments have shaped me into a person who sees the world through a different view every single day and appreciates both the small and big things of life.

Sarah Begun is a BBG living in Cherry Hill, New Jersey who plays bass guitar, and lacrosse.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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