Top 5 Reasons to Sign Up for CLTC

May 13, 2024
Zach Miller

San Antonio, Texas, United States

Class of 2026

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1. The programming

From ultimate soap to separates, CLTC has a perfect combination of the most fun activities and the most meaningful programs. There is always something to do at camp, even during Chofesh, when spike ball is open and the hammocks are always being used. My personal favorite time at camp was Shabbat, when the whole camp comes together to sing songs and just celebrate your Jewish identity. I never once found myself bored at camp and when thinking of the reality of it all, twelve days isn’t a lot of time at all, so it’s important to make the most of it. 

2. The training  

CLTC offers a unique experience of mock chapters, where every camper has the opportunity to explore leadership roles and event ideas before trying them out in their own community back home. CLTC also provides fun and unique ways to learn about some vital skills that are a huge part of BBYO, like MRIHA. Since attending CLTC, almost twenty of my friends have chosen to run for regional board, or higher positions than they already had. My friend and I have since gone on to be a part of Lonestar’s 40th Regional Board together, something I don’t think either of us would have even run for if we hadn’t gone on CLTC. 

3. The location

Being in the middle of the Pennsylvanian mountains, I was surrounded by nature at CLTC. The cool weather was so much nicer than my average Texas summers and I loved jumping in the lake that camp sat on.  

4. The freedom

Spending twelve days without friends and family from home can be challenging, but CLTC is a great way to start growing independence before college. Every day at camp allows for a certain number of hours of free time, where every camper can choose what they want to do. Every week there are also electives to choose from, so there is plenty of freedom built within the camp programming. The Shuk is also a really fun way to get the chance to buy whatever you want, from Gatorade to a BBYO vest (because who wouldn't want a BBYO vest to add to their collection). 

5. The people 

During my time at CLTC 4 2023, I was surrounded by over 30 Alephs and 60 BBGs from all across the country. Through mock chapters and team-building programming, I quickly created a close tight-knit family away from home. Because of camp, I can now say I have friends in almost every state in America, some of whom I talk to daily. The counselors and adults at camp were also a huge highlight of my experience, all carefully chosen individuals who truly care about each and every camper. Additionally, I was lucky enough to have the best two CLTC coordinators, who always are extremely passionate about BBYO and make sure every camper has a great time. CLTC was one of the best experiences of my life and I can’t recommend it enough to anyone wanting to get more involved in BBYO. 

Zachary Miller is an Aleph from Lonestar and an avid writer and singer.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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