Ring Ring, IC is Calling!

November 8, 2022
Stella Kowitz

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Class of 2024

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We wait all year for it, thousands attend it, and yet some people don’t fully understand the impact it has on people. IC is the most mind blowing experience; no matter how many times you have attended. Seeing so many people in the same room, and feeling the connection we all have is something indescribable. 

International Convention seems like this big scary thing. People don’t go because there are too many people, they don’t travel, and they think they aren’t great at making friends. Throw all of that out the window. It doesn't matter what is holding you back, try as hard as you can to go. You will always meet someone, you will always make a new friend, and there is always something new to learn.  There is something for every single person at IC.

The people you meet, you will end up talking to them daily. Remember that roommate from last IC? She is suddenly calling you to room together again. The connections you make at IC will last you forever. I can remember getting my room assignment last year, and being a little nervous about the people in my room. However, I had 2 of my regional friends, and the sweetest girl from Baltimore. We hung out all throughout IC, danced at the social, and all hung out on the last night. It was the most amazing time, and now we text sometimes. I can’t wait to see them at IC 2023.

IC is truly a once (more like 4 times) in a lifetime experience. With everything from the concerts, to the experiences, to the people you meet, and the speakers you hear, some might even consider it a bucket list item. This is always an event to find yourself at, new people to meet, and a way to find where you stand with judaism. Now, if you are reading this and you haven’t registered, go register. I hear that it comes highly recommended :)

Stella is a BBG living in Phoenix, Arizona and she has a guinea pig named, Reeces.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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