Pride or Fear? My Struggle with Wearing a Star of David Necklace

March 20, 2025
Layne Long

Austin, Texas, United States

Class of 2028

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Wearing a Star of David necklace is very important to me. It means being proud and confident in my identity as a Jewish woman. However, something that should make me feel proud instead fills me with fear and apprehension. Wearing a Star of David shows everyone that you're Jewish, and due to the state of the world and the presence of antisemitism, everyone knowing you’re Jewish isn't always a good thing. But we have to decide: is fear worth hiding who you are?

Every day at school, I see echoes of hatred toward my identity. Posters on the walls stating “We love our Jewish Students” were only put up after strangers protested and yelled hateful words in front of the school. My friends share stories of being called a “dirty Jew” within the school walls. I hear blatant antisemitism just walking between classes. These experiences make me scared to display my Judaism because what if I become the next target of that hatred? I hide my Star of David beneath my sweatshirts and do not wear my BBYO shirts to school or when I’m out in town.

Yet hatred isn't the only thing I've experienced in response to wearing a Jewish symbol around my neck. The moments of community I feel when wearing a Star of David necklace help counteract the fear. When I go to a BBYO event and see nearly every girl in attendance wearing a necklace like mine, I feel overwhelming joy toward this incredible community I've joined. When I'm out to eat with my family and see another girl wearing a Star of David, we catch eyes and smile because we understand each other.

One memory stands out when I think of all the times I've worn my Star of David. My family and I were in New York City during winter break, and we decided to eat at a Jewish deli for lunch. Despite New York’s immense Jewish community and the fact that I was in a Jewish deli, I still felt the need to hide my necklace beneath my sweater. But while we were waiting outside to be seated, a family leaving the restaurant walked past us. As she was leaving, a woman I'd never met and would never see again saw my necklace and walked up to me. She smiled warmly and told me to be proud and not feel the need to hide. I smiled back and thanked her, and I have carried that moment with me every time I’ve worn my necklace since.

The sense of community and comfort I felt in that moment illustrates the entire reason I am writing this article.

Wearing a Star of David necklace is so important to me because of the feeling of community it brings. Throughout my life and experiences as a Jew, one thing has remained constant: community. My fear of being hated for the community I’m part of is not worth hiding who I am. Every time I choose to wear something that outwardly identifies me as Jewish, I see it as directly combating, defying, and tearing down anyone who has ever hated me or anyone else for being Jewish.

So, to answer my question: no, the fear I may feel is not worth hiding myself. I will take every moment and opportunity to share my beloved Jewish identity, including proudly wearing my Star of David necklace.

Layne is an BBG from Litzor BBG #433 and loves to paint, write, and hang out with friends!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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