My Experience At IC 2024 As A Senior

February 29, 2024
Leah Berger

Calabasas, California, United States

Class of 2024

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Our organizationā€™s Centennial Celebration was truly one for the books. As a senior, I felt like this was an amazing way to kick off my culmination in this special organization that has given me so much. Upon our arrival at the hotel, we entered registration and got all our swag, but there was an additional table for seniors to get a surprise box of candy with a note from their parents. This was an amazing and kind gesture for seniors, and it was a great way to show their parentsā€™ love before BBYO showed their love and appreciation throughout the rest of the weekend. 

This Friday's LEADS day was probably the best I've ever attended. I went to a sports program at the huge complex where there were courts for just about every sport you could imagine. So many of my friends were there doing different sports, and I got the chance to watch them, which was so fun. I even made some new friends on the bus ride there. And, of course, Shabbat was an incredible experience, I always love attending camp-style Shabbat services with my camp friends so I can be reminded of that summer feeling in such an amazing space. 

Saturday morning my senior friends and I attended senior Shabbat morning services, which was an amazing time for reflection in an environment full of love before we move out of our time in BBYO. Following that, my friends and I attended senior lunch, where we were given BBYO keychains and first aid kits so that we would have a little reminder of our time in BBYO throughout college. There were different tables for different colleges if you already knew where you would be attending. I, along with many other teens do not yet know where Iā€™ll be studying this fall, so I sat at a table with a few friends and met some new international friends who told us about their plans for next year. Of course, Saturday night was an amazing experience at the annual block party and concert. This experience was and always is amazing and truly something I will miss so much next year and years to come.

On Sunday, we enjoyed a day of speakers and had an awesome night at Orlandoā€™s Universal Island of Adventure. Sundays at IC are usually for sightseeing,  but it was only fair to bring everyone to such a fun park this year since we were in the perfect hub for amusement parks in the country.

As my final IC comes to a close, I reflect on the amazing experiences BBYO has given me these last few years. I was truly lucky to be a senior at the Centennial Celebration; this was the perfect ending to my International experience in BBYO. I know I can speak for the Class of 2024 when I say that I truly hope that future generations will carry on this legacy forever and breed this safe space for Jewish teens around the world.

Leah is a BBG from D'vash BBG #956, Pacific Western Region, and her favorite color is pink.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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