My 2024 BBYO Highlights

January 6, 2025
Rachel Hasko

Wayzata, Minnesota, United States

Class of 2025

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It has been a crazy year filled with BBYO fun! Here are my highlights from the 2024 BBYO year!

1. Rush Week

This year we had our very first Rush Week as a council! We had an event every day of the week where new members got to experience the joy of BBYO. To make it even better, the past International N’siah came to help us create an unforgettable week for new BBYO recruits and members alike. 

2. IC 100

I attended my very first convention! IC 100 was an incredible way to kick off my convention experiences! It was so cool to meet Jewish teens from all over the country and engage in meaningful and well-planned programs! It was also super special to reconnect with my BBYO Passport friends. I missed them so much, so reuniting was awesome. I thought elections were super cool and unlike anything I had participated in before. I loved seeing Flo Rida and hanging out in Universal Studios as well. Overall the weekend was absolutely incredible and definitely a top BBYO moment for me.

3. MAR Spring Regional Convention

This year I attended my first regional convention! It was awesome to see all four of the councils come together to celebrate BBYO’s 100 birthday! Mid-America Region is home to the birthplace of BBYO, so celebrating with the communities who started it all was extra meaningful. In addition, the past International Godol came to our convention with us! It was so exciting to have him there as we celebrated BBYO.

4. Fall Kickoff

Coming back from summer break, I couldn't wait to start programming for the new term. We had an awesome fall kickoff at a trampoline park where we jumped on trampolines, raced in go-karts, and arcaded! We had so many new prospects attend which gave us a plethora of motivation to keep planning awesome events. It was extra awesome because the current International Godol came to town to help us start the year off right! It was great to hear from an International Board member and get advice about our different initiatives we would be working on throughout the year.

5. North Star Nights

In North Star Council, we have biweekly programming. It has been so fun attending each event and doing a new fun activity. It is also really cool to collaborate with the other Council Board members as we bring so many unique ideas to each meeting. North Star nights are the highlight of my week, and something that has been special to me since we started doing them last year.

BBYO has brought me more memories than I can count! While these are the tops, there are still so many more exciting BBYO moments that have occurred. I can’t wait to see what makes my highlight list in 2025!

Rachel Hasko is a BBG from Minnesota, and her favorite color is pink!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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