Keeping Pace: Travels to South America

May 20, 2024
Courtney Saxe

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Class of 2023

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Hey there! Long time no talk! I just got back from my adventures in South America and had to brag and share about these incredible teens.

I started my journey in Buenos Aires spending a few days with BBYO Argentina. And WOW! These teens are incredible. As I have visited around 15 countries so far, it was so special to finally hit another continent. During that time, my co TJ and I lead incredible AZA and BBG Ritual Nights with all of the chapters. Ritual Nights are a traveling program we introduced this year to help integrate, teach, and train communities on enriching tradition. During the BBG Ritual Nights, I have the opportunity to walk through the red book, learn the historical timeline, learn new cheers, and more! It is such a great bonding experience and I enjoy getting the opportunity to connect and laugh with so many teens from around the world. Really had to brush up on my Spanish during these sessions, but the teens were so friendly to help translate! Not to mention the gorgeous sites of Buenos Aires including Obelisco, plaza de mayo, and La Boca. 

After an incredible time in Argentina, it was time to head to Santiago, Chile to attend the third annual ILLA!!! ILLA stands for “Instituto De Liderazgo Latinoamericano” where leaders across Latin America meet to train and learn leadership skills to help expand their communities back at home. This year the communities in attendance came from Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico, and for the first time.. Cordoba!! The weekend was spent with such influential sessions, such fun games, and gorgeous sightseeing. We hiked, danced, learned, and bonded so much. I can confidently say that the teens in attendance are amongst some of the most dedicated and impressive teens I have worked with. I am so honored to have been involved and meet the upcoming talent of BBYO LATAM. Such fun travels and such a great way to spend one of my last international visits! 

Courtney Saxe is a BBG from Mountain Region is serving as the 79th Anita M. Perlman International N'siah.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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