Keeping Pace: Stepping Into My Role as Grand Aleph Godol

August 5, 2024
Dan Mezistrano

Mercer Island, Washington, United States

Class of 2024

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What’s up, BBYO! As of June 1st, I officially stepped into the role of Grand Aleph Godol and began my journey with some very special summer travels. As we approach the end of the summer and the start of the programming year, I wanted to share some of my adventures from this summer.

Kicking off the year with a memorable inaugural board retreat in Washington, DC, was the perfect start to the term. We not only bonded through lots of singing, wings, and candy salad but also began mapping out the year ahead. From August Execs '24 to IC '25 in Denver to BBYO Summer, we discussed all the exciting moments we’ll experience throughout the year. After some sad goodbyes, we returned to our respective corners of the globe and said, "See you at August Execs."

While I spent most of my summer lifeguarding at BB Camp in Oregon, I made a quick stop in Wayne County, Pennsylvania, to visit CLTC 2 and ILTC.

I had never been to CLTC, so I was very excited to see if it lived up to the hype, and it most definitely did. I walked in and was greeted by many familiar Evergreen faces who told me about the amazing time they had. They quickly introduced me to all their friends, and we went to CLTC’s first mock chapter program. With such a young group of leaders, I saw so much passion and energy being poured into their work, and I can’t wait to see the big things they’ll do in their home communities.

After some final Fourth of July festivities with CLTC, I ventured down the road to Perlman and visited ILTC. I was excited to see my brother and other Evergreen teens, as well as meet all 15 of the Godolim at ILTC. I arrived just in time for their mock convention. The timing was special because all of the programming for the weekend was planned and run by teens. From the convention kickoff to onegs to separates, I had the opportunity to see so many incredible leaders lead amazing programs. The most memorable part of my trip was AZA separates. The program leaders opened with some deep personal stories, and I saw every teen share their own personal experiences.

After visiting Nikki’s Blueprint (the best Blueprint), it was time to leave Lake Como. I had the best time this summer meeting all of you from across the Order, and I can’t wait to you on my travels this year. Stay tuned for #MapMez, and I’ll catch you on the road!

Dan is an Aleph from Evergreen Region and is serving as the 100th Grand Aleph Godol.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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