There are few of us, and by us, I mean Jews. Even if a part of the world thinks we control the world, which we don’t, there would still be few of us. As an entire people scattered across continents, there are less than 20 million of us. Although that number seems big, time and time again I am reminded that we are all connected in some way or by someone. I like to call this an invisible string.
Two weeks ago, my Co and I ran an Israeli pride program at our first-ever convention. As regional presidents, with the help of some amazing staff, we planned an hour-long program in memory of the victims of the October 7th massacre. We asked Tal, the central Sh’licha for help and she gave us ample resources like posters with information about different Maccabi Tzair members who died that day. In memory of them, we talked about their story and painted what their life was like. The program was amazing and we sent Tal pictures, thinking nothing of it.
The next day, we woke up to a heartfelt message from Tal telling us how she sent the images to the family of one of the victims we honored and how they were moved by the program. I was speechless, never having imagined that I was one person away from a victim's family. There was the invisible string connecting my region, thousands of kilometers away with their story
I never doubted what we could do as a movement if we rallied together and fought for the causes we believe in, but I also never thought this would be what it looked like. We all have an invisible string connecting us to the Jewish people and there are few moments so rewarding and eye-opening as shedding light on that connection. Look for it, uncover it, and use it as motivation to act. Israel needs us, and as youth have always done and will continue to do, we will help however and wherever we can. We will connect and turn the invisible string into our secret power, the power present in one of our most important phrases: Am Yisrael Chai. It was never about how many of us there are, but how united we are, even by connections we can’t see.
Gal is a BBG living in Buenos Aires, Argentina who is in love with outer space.
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.