How being a part of an LGBTQ+ BBYO chapter has changed my life and the others in the GTA

January 17, 2024
Elliot Kritzer

Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

Class of 2026

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Being a part of Simcha BBYO has changed my life, and I can confidently say this. I want to share my experience about being a part of Simcha BBYO, a BBYO LGBTQ+ chapter, and how much it has affected me.

Before I joined Simcha BBYO, I felt alone. I was not a part of any LGBTQ+ Jewish spaces and felt so lost and isolated from both parts of my community. One day when I saw on Instagram a new chapter was being started in my region, I started looking into it and realized it was an LGBTQ+ chapter. This is when I realized I had to go. I went to my first-ever BBYO program which happened to be the first program for the new chapter Simcha BBYO. As soon as I stepped in, I realized I had found a second home. I had the most amazing time meeting and chatting with other people who had also come to connect with other Jewish LGBTQ+ teens. As soon as I got home, I told my mom to sign me up for a membership and since then, I have had no regrets about Simcha BBYO.

I never pictured myself joining BBYO. I had been invited a couple of times by other people, but I never had a connection to it and couldn’t see myself fitting in until I heard of this chapter. Even if I had maybe considered going I never thought I would become an active member, but as soon as I was an official member I knew I wanted to do whatever I could to play a big part in building this chapter. During Simcha’s first term, I organized a Shabbat dinner, a pride Shabbat. This was one of my favorite memories with Simcha, I learned how much of a connection I could make with other LGBTQ+ teens. When we were saying the prayers all together I was able to look around and see what an amazing space I was in. With a diverse group of teens who all just wanted to be accepted, we had found each other. Every time we do a prayer at any program, I think back to where I started and how far we have come all together. Now Simcha BBYO is going into our third term and we are stronger than ever. This will be my second term on board. In my first term, I served as Shaliach (vice president of Jewish programming) and now I am serving as S’gan (vice president of programming). From here I can only see our chapter getting stronger. We are currently aiming to get our permanent charter and make sure that every teen in our region who needs a space like our chapter will have one no matter what.

In preparing to write this article, I sent out a google form asking how Simcha BBYO has affected our members. I got many answers, some that stood out to me were: 

“It has been the most loving, caring, and accepting community I have ever been a part of. Simcha gave me confidence.” 

“Simcha BBYO has affected me so much and helped me so much through so many times in my life. I’m so glad to have such an amazing group of people around me. I love you all so much and I’m so glad to call you guys my friends for life.” 

These two stood out to me because they demonstrate how much of an impact Simcha BBYO not only has on me but every person in my chapter. When people come to me and tell me how Simcha BBYO is the first space they have felt truly accepted, it gives me such warmth. I love to know that these teens never have to hide who they are and can live proudly and loudly about any part of their identity. Another response I got from someone I feel I connected with the most: 

“Simcha gave me the opportunity to leave the gendered norms of the organization and be who I wanted and allowed me the space to discover that I was a trans man, it also allowed me to make friends who supported and loved me for who I was and gave me a space to be myself. I always want Simcha to be a true queer chapter where we could be out and proud and shout it for everyone to hear, and not be a chapter that has to hide who we are overall. This is my love letter to Simcha BBYO, I love you Simcha, and everyone who has been apart of your journey and growth into becoming the chapter that you are!!!” 

When I got this submission, I cried. I realized truly how much Simcha has done for not only myself but for others. This chapter has gotten so many people closer to their identity as a Jewish person as well as a person part of the LGBTQ+ community. This chapter has given us a space to never have to choose one side of our identity but rather let them go together. Never choosing one over the other. I hope my chapter never stops having this life-changing effect on people and will always exist as a space for all to be in.

This chapter has made me feel proud to be a queer Jewish person. I am proud of my identity and wouldn’t have it any other way. If any teen reading this feels alone because of their identity, I want you to know that you are not alone and you will find a space where you can live as yourself. Whether it's in a BBYO chapter like mine, or maybe a new queer Jewish space that you start after reading this! There will always be a space for anyone to live as who they are. If you want to see more about what we do in Simcha week to week check out our Instagram @BBYOSimcha.

Elliot is an Aleph from Simcha BBYO in Lake Ontario Region and he loves reading, listening to Taylor Swift, and Crocs!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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