Celebrating BBYO's Centennial in New York

June 26, 2024
David Belsky and Arielle Buxbaum

New York City, New York, United States

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It turns out you can go home again. That’s what we found when we attended BBYO's Young Alumni Happy Hour in New York City on Wednesday, May 22.

The vibe at the event was electric from the get-go. Stepping off the elevator and onto the bar’s rooftop, we immediately saw so many familiar faces. It was like no time had passed at all, and we picked up right where we left off, swapping stories and reminiscing about our experiences in our chapters, regions, and international programs. Despite the years and the different paths we've taken, we were all once connected by BBYO’s history, mission, and values, and we continue to be impacted by our BBYO experiences to this day.  

David: It filled my heart to be back in the thick of what made our teen years so great. Most incredible for me was the opportunity to bridge two worlds I had been deeply engaged with: my fellow native New Yorkers with a huge showing from Big Apple Region and the connections I had made summer after summer at the International level, with so many having moved to NYC over the years. I had the chance to reunite with my closest Perlman Camp friends and staff after 20 years.

Arielle: Having volunteered as a chapter advisor and worked as a BBYO professional over the course of a decade, I found it especially meaningful to be reunited with the teens with whom I advised and worked alongside. I loved catching up with them and hearing about their adventures and accomplishments. They have had a profound impact on my life, and it could not make me prouder to hear about all of their successes, both personal and professional.

The reunion wasn't just about reminiscing, though. It was also a chance to get inspired and energized about the establishment of BBYO’s Alumni Association. We are especially excited about the alumni digital platform launching this month, which will allow us to all stay connected to BBYO and each other in between in-person events.

As we said our goodbyes at the end of the night, we couldn't help but feel grateful—grateful for the memories, the friendships, and the sense of purpose that BBYO gave us in high school, and the way it continues to shape who we are today. We can’t wait to see everyone again soon!

David Belsky, Big Apple Region, Class of 2004 and Arielle Buxbaum, Big Apple Region, Class of 2005

Check out more photos from the event here.

David Belsky is an alum from Big Apple Region, Class of 2004 and Arielle Buxbaum is an alumna of Big Apple Region, Class of 2005

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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