Calling for Motion: August Execs 2024

September 6, 2024
International Mazkirim


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This year during the annual August Executives Conference, the 100/80th Executive body passed three pieces of legislation:

Resolution; Commit to Action Surrounding October 7th Commemoration Joint AZA and BBG Legislation:

Makers: 36th International Sh’lichim: Logan Reich & Ariella Weisman

The motion passed at August Execs unanimously by the 100th Executive body of BBYO laid the groundwork for the continued response to October 7th throughout the movement. Along with calling attention to friends, family, and community members that BBYO and Maccabi Tzair have lost, action steps were laid out. The first is a commitment to honoring the lives lost and those who are still held captive at International Convention 2025 in Denver, Colorado. The second action was a commitment by every community, whether it be in the chapter or at the regional level, to hold an event honoring those lost on October 7th. And the last piece of the motion is that there will be a working committee consisting of executive body members, regional Shlichim, and the explorers Israel coordinators that will explore continued action surrounding this movement's response and action surrounding the events and Israel education on a larger scale. Execution on these following actions will be led by the 36th international Sh’lichim, Ari Weisman and Logan Reich alongside the explore Israel coordinators.

Motion, Integrating the International Service Fund (ISF) into CLTC, ILTC, and International Kallah Curricula Joint AZA and BBG Legislation:

Makers: 7th International Gizborim, Joaquin Salomon & Alexandra Greenberg

The motion titled, Integrating the International Service Fund (ISF) into CLTC, ILTC, and International Kallah Curricula proposes integrating education about the International Service Fund (ISF) into the curricula of BBYO’s premier leadership programs, CLTC, ILTC, and International Kallah. This aims to strengthen participants' understanding of our teen treasury and the importance of philanthropy for our movement. The ISF, which supports need-based scholarships, Stand Up Philanthropy, and crisis response, is central to AZA & BBG's values. By including ISF education, participants will be empowered to engage in global Jewish philanthropy, enhance fundraising efforts, and advocate for the ISF in their local communities. The motions tangible goal is to introduce sessions on the ISF's history, purpose, and impact, along with practical workshops on fundraising strategies within our summer experiences.  The International Gizborim, Joaquin Salomon & Alexandra Greenberg, plan to work alongside Summer Coordinators to design ISF-related initiatives during and after these programs. Additionally, they will introduce an ISF-101 program into the toolbox so communities can bring this programming back to their own communities. The effectiveness of ISF integration will be evaluated monthly, with reports presented to the International Board to ensure the program's ongoing relevance and impact.

Resolution, Spreading ‘Healthy Masculinity’ Curriculum Throughout the Order Joint AZA and BBG Legislation

Maker: Levi Manoim, Eastern North Carolina Council

The healthy masculinity legislation proposed requires all regions to host one healthy masculinity program at community gatherings (e.g. regional convention) once a year. It was inspired by a healthy masculinity Aleph Centennial Leadership Cohort (ACLC)  program and Eric Hunker’s “Manly Men” Limmud at Kallah. We want to see change in AZA for the better so we can truly focus on turning our Alephs from boys to men that can be themselves. Going forward, the 100th Grand Aleph Godol, Dan Mezistrano, and North Carolina Council Godol, Levi Manoim, will create a committee with six other Alephs to create program templates for use. One of the two first programs will focus on self esteem and inspiring confidence in Alephs to share their emotions. The other program will focus on the proper treatment of others through actions and language rooted in AZA and Jewish tradition. Overall, the hope is this will spark a change within AZA to better itself for the next 100 years and the next generations to come.

If you would like to learn more about the international business meeting or how to run your own business meeting, check out our brand new Legislation Library!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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