BBYO Argentina's (Virtual) Elections

July 14, 2020
Solana Wainstein

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Class of 2021

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A few weeks ago, both chapters of BBYO Argentina, Ligdol #5044 and SHAbados #5045, had their board elections. Ligdol voted for its fourth board, while SHAbados voted for its third board. But this year wasnĀ“t the same as others.

As we all know, the circumstances we are living in limit us in almost every aspect of our current lives, and one of those is attending chapter meetings and events physically. However, BBYO can get through anything, right? And that's how BBYO On Demand, the coolest platform I've ever been a part of, was created. 

Well, going back to elections, we obviously had to have them virtually, via BBYO On Demand. It was a very different experience, but a good one. I, the new Nā€™siah of Ligdol, personally felt a little more confident and relaxed, less nervous, and less anxious, which doesn't mean I prefer virtual elections rather than face-to-face elections, but it certainly had its advantages. 

A week later, today, May 9th, SHAbados ran their virtual elections. Argentinaā€™s regional board is now officially complete and ready to work hard and have fun!

Iā€™m very proud to be Ligdolā€™s 4th Nā€™siah and so excited about what's to come!

4th board of Ligdol #5044:

N'siah: Solana Wainstein

S'ganit: Jazmin Jakubowicz

Aym HaĀ“Chaverot: Kiara Matzki

Mazkirah: Candela Silveira

3rd board of SHAbados #5045:

Nā€™siah: Lara Kwiatkowski

Sā€™gan: Lucas Ciocan

Moreh and Aym HaĀ“Chaverot: Ezequiel Dyner and Sabrina Gorodetzky

Mazkirah: Mia Scaliter

Twitter: @bbyoarg @nsiahbbyoarg @sganbbyoarg @morotbbyoarg @BBYOArgMazkirim

Instagram: @bbyoarg @ligdol5044 @shabados_

Solana Wainstein is a BBG from BBYO: Argentina and loves taking pictures.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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