Aym-Ha Chaverot: Third in Board Pictures, First in My Heart

November 10, 2022
Lindsay Krieger

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2024

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Aym-Ha Chaverot. Morah. MIT Mom. Across the order, itā€™s the only position with different names depending on which BBG you ask. Regardless of what you call it, serving as Vice President of Membership permanently changed my time in BBYO for the better. 

Breaking it down, A MIT Momā€™s responsibilities often revolve around the Three Rā€™s:

  1. Recruitment
  2. Retention
  3. Re-Education


Recruitment- Expanding with size by bringing in new prospects and turning them into MITs. My first three members I recruited into my chapter, Shemesh BBG #18, were my younger twin sisters and my best friend. My chapter, with less than 15 members at the time, gave me what seemed like endless credit for bringing them in. Frankly, I gave myself large amounts of credit as well, (probably too much credit considering I lived with two out of the three). Regardless, the joy on their faces at events pushed, and continues to push, me to recruit to our chapter, and now region of South Jersey. Although, itā€™s not exactly just the smile on their face, but knowing you are part of the reason theyā€™re here. 

Retention- Tuning in current members to ensure they continue to stay active in BBYO. Wording it that way, the task sounds daunting. Especially regionally, how do you keep hundreds of BBGs active over five years? Thereā€™s no short, one word answer to how to complete the task (apologies if you were expecting one). My advice for chapter Morim- keep strong siblinghood. If everyone is happy, and is where they want to be, they will stick with BBYO and continue to shine. Personally, watching members I recruited continue to come back years later with more passion will always make each event better than the next. 

Re-Education- Educating the chapter on all things BBYO. Often done as a MIT Class, this annual event gives me the power to feel important and channel the inner teacher in myself! Watching someone have that lightbulb moment- finally understanding an acronym, or becoming inspired by something you say- I wouldnā€™t want to trade the job for anything else.


The job doesnā€™t end there, with Senior Appreciation, Sisterhood, Inductions, and Summer Promotion, it seems to never end. Honestly, thatā€™s one of the reasons I love it! Your energy and passion reflects everywhere. Each time a prospect becomes a MIT, the MIT becomes a member, then a board memberā€¦ you helped. You were there, you were guiding them, and you get the bubbly feeling that you hope never goes away. 

Soon, Iā€™ll be entering the second half of my term as Regional Aym-Ha Chaverot, a position and experience I could have never predicted to be reality, especially as a junior. To think I could have never served as MIT Mom at all, makes me think a lot of aspects of myself, that I love, would have never come out. The courage to talk to strangers, the confidence to lead a room, and the feeling of helping others find their BBYO homes- itā€™s only a few of the reasons Aym-Ha Chaverot will always be first in my heart. 

Lindsay Krieger is a BBG from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. She loves Diet Coke, caesar salads, and naps. She is currently serving as Regional Aym-Ha Chaverot for the South Jersey Region!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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