A Reflection on My Time in BBYO

June 3, 2020
Danny Tow

Clarksville, Maryland, United States

Class of 2020

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Iā€™ve done a lot in my 5 years in BBYO. From international events such as CLTC 8 2017 and 3 separate ICā€™s, to a variety of regional and council events in NRE and DC Council, to every kind of event under the sun in my home chapter Max Cowan AZA, I've run the gamut of BBYO since 2015. Looking back on it all, I can say that there is little to none that I would change. Although there are certain things I wish I had taken more initiative on, the friendships and experiences Iā€™ve gained are incomparable to anything else I couldā€™ve done during this time. Itā€™s been almost 3 years since my CLTC, and my friends and I are still playing video games together (almost every day during quarantine), laughing at the same jokes, and retelling the same stories. I couldnā€™t possibly have made these lifelong friends from places all over the country had I not taken the leap into BBYO.

To BBYO, I say this: thank you for everything youā€™ve done, and continue to do, for me. Your influence and shadow will loom over me as I move into the future, in the best way possible. I wouldnā€™t be where I am or who I am without you, so once again:

Thank you BBYO for changing my life.

Danny Tow is an Aleph from Max Cowan AZA #2552 in Northern Region East: DC Council.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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