A Look at Red River’s Spring Convention

May 29, 2024
Tiana Paletta

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Class of 2025

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This year's convention was different from every regional convention that I've ever attended. Why? It's because instead of hosting at a regular hotel with 4 people per room, it was hosted at a small summer camp with 10 people per room! Many people from my region were skeptical about this change and what it would be like. Some people thought it would be one of the best spring conventions we've had, and I think they were right. Here's the recap…

Friday night started with opening ceremonies and a Shabbat service (as always). We had Shabbat dinner and started the competition. That night, each chapter presented its banner and movie. Movie is my FAVORITE competition by far between the nerves of hoping everyone likes your movie and the hysterical laughs from everyone else's always gets me. Later, we had a business meeting where two exciting motions were passed! After this, we had a BBG separates program. It was a sentimental program where we each got cakes and decorated them with something that we wanted to leave behind (for example: procrastinating). We got to smash the cakes, symbolizing the act of moving on. Eventually, we were off to our cabins for the rest of the night.

Saturday started with a delicious breakfast and a game of Spectrum, which was hosted by our very own Emma Zentner. We were asked questions about our Jewish identity and got to share our own personal experiences. It was definitely an activity we needed. Later that day, we performed our stories and songs. The BBG chapters referenced Anita M. Perlman and the growth of BBG vs. the AZA chapters, dissing each other and referencing the origins in Omaha. The next thing on the agenda was states. Most people find states unbearable, but I find them somewhat enjoyable. Hearing all the great things our region has accomplished in the past year is exciting. After sitting through states, it was finally dinner time, and we had pizza AGAIN. I personally wasn't pleased with having pizza two nights in a row, but it was better than the Mexican meal incident at IC. Then, after Havdalah, we held a SILENT DISCOOOOO. Seeing TJ dance to “Love Story” by Taylor Swift is something I will never forget. After many mosh pits and TikTok rizz party recreations, we had another BBG program. BBG Boxing!!!! The girls really got their anger out. We got an early start to Lifes, where seniors gave their past, present, and future to BBGs and taught us something that they took away from BBYO. After ending the night with tears and passing pins, we all retired to bed.

Sunday morning was off to an early start with elections. After preparing during every Chofesh I hoped that I was ready. Candidates woke up extra early to get ready and prep; we all knew it was going to take a long time. So after around 3 AND A HALF HOURS, we were successful in electing our 65th and 66th regional boards! We congratulated each other and said our goodbyes. I was definitely ready to conclude this year's convention. 

Overall, this convention was something to remember. My roommates and I have created deep bonds. If you have been to Perlman summer or any other summer camp, hosting your spring convention at a camp will definitely bring back memories. After insane programming, another win for my chapter (we lost; I'm still in disbelief), and electing our 24–25 Regional Board, I can strongly say I'm a damn proud BBG!

Tiana is a BBG living in Winnipeg and is a competitive swimmer.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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