A Leap of Faith and Friendship: My Journey with the IC Press Corps

September 17, 2024
Jenna Barr

Longmeadow, Massachusetts, United States

Class of 2026

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Joining the IC Press Corps was one of the most amazing decisions I ever made in BBYO. I remember asking all my friends if I should do it, and I finally took the leap of faith and applied. Even though I didn’t get my top pick, it didn’t matter. I felt so special to be accepted onto a team and be more involved in the IC experience, even though it was only my first one. 

Yes, posting on BBYO Insider and wearing a Press Corps tag on my lanyard was pretty cool, but the friends I made were the cherry on top. I remember being so nervous walking into the Press Corps meet-up that I considered not going. I brought along my camp friend's CLTC friend because she was the only girl I knew well on the IC Press Corps team at the time. 

I entered the tiny room crowded with people crouched on the floor. It was a unique experience, but I recognized many faces I had seen on BBYO's social media. Being thanked for our hard work, taking selfies, and hugging people I had never met made me feel so loved. 

Over the year, I kept in contact with Delfi from Argentina. We met through Press Corps and became closer during IC. Meeting her in person and getting introduced to her friends was so rewarding. I had worked hard on the Journalism team throughout the year, and now I got to meet other people from different countries, passionate about writing, photography, and social media.

Delfi got me involved in different videos and stories for her region so I could represent CVR! We talked over this past year, and she was elected to her regional board. Although congratulating her from a distance was bittersweet, I’m so excited to see her in Denver this February.

Jenna Barr is a BBG from Longmeadow, Massachusetts, and she is on a competition dance team!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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