A Full Year as a BBG

May 28, 2024
Noa Nierman

Parkland, FL, US

Class of 2027

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I first started my journey as a BBG in December of 2022. I instantly connected to what it means to be a BBG and all the amazing programming. I was looking forward to my first convention, which was supposed to be the spring regional convention. The day before, I took a covid test as a precaution since covid was still a concern, and to my surprise, it was positive. I was so disappointed since it was the last regional event of the year.

Not to worry though, when programming started up again I was determined to get to one of these regional events that I kept hearing about from the girls in my chapter. Although I attended the party to the programming (I slid to Gizborit during elections), I hadn't experienced a “real event.” Before I could blink, it was time for the iconic spring kickoff by Gold Coast Region at Sway nightclub. The night did not disappoint. It was filled with dancing, laughter, and lots of Shirley Temples. After kickoff, I was committed. 

I learned about IC and that it was going to be in Orlando (I live about 2 hours away), and I was so excited and I set myself almost 20 reminders for IC launch night. I signed up not knowing anyone and not fully knowing what I just got myself into. It seemed so far away so I knew I had time to make friends.

I convinced some of my fellow Jewish friends that Bbyo was the place to be. We all signed up for Florida Fall Con, and I finally attended my first convention in November of 2023. It felt like I was back at camp. The sense of love and community was so strong (especially during Shabbat, which was filled with singing and dancing). I met so many people, and what surprised me was that everyone was so nice. 

Feeling more comfortable with the region I went to the Fire and Ice Havdalah at the Boca Ice Rink. At this program where we celebrated the 3rd night of Hanukkah and Havdalah, I met my IC roommate(although I didn't know it yet). We connected well and had a great night skating and drinking hot cocoa.

With the term ending and this passion for sharing BBYO and what it has to offer I decided to run for MIT Mom. I got elected and soon after attended another Party to the Program (where we talk to our counterparts, and learn how to do our position). The board felt strong this term, and I felt confident that we would improve (we won the most improved chapter)!

It was time again for kickoff. This time at Cosmos Club in Boca Raton. Again, the night was filled with dancing, singing, and lots of Shirley Temples. This time I knew so many people, and I loved visiting with everyone. Karen (my IC roommate) asked me if I would be her roommate. I was so relieved. Now, I would know someone at this event that was so quickly coming up.

(Orderfrom left to right: Lily Smiley, Noa Nierman, Sasha Haber, Karen Becher)

Finally. The day was here. I went to the train station excited, and nervous about what the next 5 days were going to bring me. I was greeted by familiar faces and smiles all around excited for the weekend. My roommate (Karen) and I chatted the entire train ride to Orlando. There was too much at IC to even write about, but to explain very briefly I would say it was like I was in a whole another universe. A universe filled with activities around every corner, endless people to meet, and welcoming staff. The weekend exceeded my expectations, and I felt so fulfilled. I went home telling my chapter friends all my fun IC stories in an attempt to have them attend next year (it was successful)!

My chapter became close and bonded like I had never seen it before. We had an amazing camp-themed Shabbat at my house, where we swam, made bracelets, and ate smores.

(Left: Noa Nierman, Right: Danielle Wolpert)

Finally, I went to SRC feeling excited, comfortable, and confident. I found my place, and I felt so inspired by the regional elections. I went home with my brain bursting with new ideas for my chapter, and how we can improve. I got re-elected as chapter Mit Mom on May 20 and I am ecstatic for what the next term has to bring me.

Until then I will be attending CLTC 1 this upcoming summer. I'm excited about the people I'm going to meet, and learning further on how to effectively run my chapter.

Noa Nierman is a BBG from Tlalim BBG in Gold Coast region and has two dogs.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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